For my first public display of AI generative art id like to share the first remix series where I take classic paintings and re/imagine them as if they were painted by a different artist. For the first volume, I've distilled the haunting style of Zdzisław Beksiński and applied it to some of the iconic works of Leonardo Da Vinci, and Edvard Munch
The Scream (Feat. Zdzislaw)
The scream pierces the air, fading in and out like a broken record. It startles me at first, but then it just becomes background noise as I focus on the task at hand. I've been walking for hours now, and I'm getting close. Very close.
I hear it again- that ear-piercing scream- and this time it's closer. Much closer. Panic starts to set in and my heart races as I pick up the pace, sprinting towards the sound. The ground beneath my feet feels like quicksand, sucking me down with every step, but I fight against it. I have to get to the source.
I tried to get close, but the ground kept pulling me back. It was like there were invisible forces keeping me from getting too close. I could feel the dirt below my feet, shifting and moving as if it had a life of its own.
The closer I got, the further back I seemed to be set. The ground was pulling me in different directions before it started to consume me. The yellow sand crept up my body reaching for my neck. it was then I realized those screams I had been hearing all along were my own.
My final moment. I can feel the quicksand sucking me down, pulling me under. The murky water fills my lungs, and I know it's only a matter of time before I'm gone. This could only have been predicted by a madman.
The Great Wave (Feat. Zdzislaw)
It was as if mother nature had gone mad. She had, we all knew it was coming. Our feat shaking, the air trembling. There was no escaping the great unstoppable force barreling down on us. We could only watch in terror as it came closer and closer. Some of us prayed for a quick end, while others resigned themselves to their fate.
But then, just when all seemed lost, something miraculous happened. The force veered off course and passed right by us! We couldn't believe our eyes as we watched it disappear into the distance. What had caused it to change its mind?
Mona Lisa (feat. Zdzislaw)
One day, the Mona Lisa painting came to life. She was scared and nervous at first, not knowing what was happening to her. She looked around and saw all of the people looking at her with fascination and awe.
She felt like a celebrity for a moment before realizeing that she didn't want this kind of attention. She wanted to be free and explore without being watched or judged by others. But soon enough, the crowd of people around her grew too large and she felt suffocated. She needed to get away, but everywhere she turned, there were more people waiting to catch a glimpse of her.
Beginning to hyperventilate she wakes up from a nightmare only to discover she actually looks very different from how she remembered herself. She had always thought of herself as a beautiful woman, but now she saw that her face was covered in wrinkles and her hair was thinning. She felt scared and alone, not knowing what to do with this new version of herself. Mona Lisa carried on in life only to realize that she was much more powerful this way.
After a lifetime of being told what to do, the woman finally reaches her old age. And in this final stage of her life, she finally finds her power. She is no longer afraid to speak up for herself, to stand up to those who have wronged her. She is no longer afraid to be seen and heard.
And she revels in it – in the way that people now have to listen when she speaks, in the way that they can't help but respect her authority. She has found her voice late in life, and she intends to use it. She will never be underestimated again.
The Birth of Venus (feat. Zdzislaw)
I remember a dream of deep teal waves crashing against the shoreline silhouetted by a bright amber sun.
Suddenly, my attention was caught. I saw movement in the water that slithered and grew like a bed of snakes. It crept closer to the edge of the sea before assembling into giant vertical columns all around me. I had never seen anything like it before.
I stood there for a while, watching the growth until all things seemed to settle around me. It was in this silent moment when a disturbance could be seen under the surface of the water. It pushed up against all things with unsettling power.
The source of this power emanated from a woman entity. She was born from the ocean, and it sustained her for centuries. In the depths of the sea, she thrived and grew strong. But eventually, she realized that there was more to life than just the ocean. She wanted to experience all that the world had to offer.
She stood tall and proud in the face of the unknown. Exposing herself to the unpredictable nature of the world around her, and now she had to face the consequences. The wind whipped through her hair and clothes, chilling her to the bone but she didn't care. She was alive! She could feel the dirt under her feet, the warmth of the sun on her skin, and best of all...the freedom in the air.
She had always been a seeker and she now understood what it was that was missing. She finally felt alive.
The Last Supper (Feat. Zdzislaw)
The powerful figure's voice echoed through the large chamber, sending a chill down the spine of each of their followers. "One of you is going to betray me tonight," they said calmly. There was a long moment of silence as everyone in the room stared at each other, trying to figure out who it would be.
The food was delicious, but no one could enjoy it fully anymore. They all knew that soon, one of them would be fighting the powerful figure to the death. This was not the first time they had found themselves in this situation.
"It has been a pleasure dining with you," the guests said in unison, their voices dripping with politeness.
One by one they all stud up and walked over to one side of the room against a wall lining up for the choice to be made. The room was silent as the last person walked to the side of the room. They all knew what was about to happen.
The figure walked down the line of people, looking for someone who looked challenging enough to fight. He liked a good challenge. Finally, he came to a man who looked like he could put up a good fight. The man stared at the powerful figure, unafraid. The powerful figure nodded and stepped forward, ready to take on the challenger.
The Kiss (feat. Zdzislaw)
It was raining hard outside, the kind of rain that seemed to wash away all the bad in the world. The kind of rain that made everything seem new again. He stood there under the awning, watching as she walked towards him. Her hair was soaked through and her clothes clung to her body.
They looked at each others eyes for a long time, both knowing that this was it. They had been circling around each other for months now and it was finally time to take the plunge.
The future flashed through their minds; the good times and the bad. But even the bad times couldn't eclipse the love they will share. They will go through so much hand in hand, and they knew that they could get through anything as long as they were together.
Eventually they break apart, both of them grinning like idiots. This was definitely worth waiting for.
Finally, she broke the silence. "I'm sorry," she said softly. "I never meant for any of this to happen."
"It's not your fault," he told her. "It's mine."
She shook her head. "No, it's not yours either. We both made choices and we have to live with the consequences."
"What are we going to do?" he asked her plaintively. "We can't go back to the way things were before."
Looking up at him and smiling she whispered “We won't.”