June 15th 2025
Lurking in the skies is a cloud of autonomous drones, most of which go unseen until their descent to deliver a payload. Delivery services first started shipping products this way around 15 years ago. At that point the drones were programmed to fly at a much lower altitude. This programming was altered quickly when it became clear that the general public was going to wreak havoc on this equipment. Many people shot them out of the sky or set up traps to steal the valuable components. Since then it has become common practice to fly these high above the clouds to avoid the shenanigans of human behavior. I captured this photo last week with a racing drone i fly around from time to time. It's fun using the shipment highways as obstacle courses to fly through. The drone I captured on camera is a small sized, short distance amazon drone. I got close enough to see the serial number on the back side of the craft. That's the first step when trying to hack one of these things. All you need is its serial number, altitude, GPS coordinates and a little bit of Unix terminal skilz.